Kathy was residing in Chesterton, Indiana and passed away from leukemia on August 27, 2011. She is survived by her husband Richard, her son Rich, her daughter Sandi and her two grandchildren, Katie and Michael. Kathy was a loving wife and mother who was adored by her family and close friends. She cherished every moment she spent with her grandchildren. Love you always, your friend, Debbie (Devine) Czaja
Janine Hickey (Sullivan)
Kathy and were close friends right to the time she passed away. We did a lot of fun things together; even worked a few jobs together. A few years ago she found her perfect job; telemarketer because Kathy loved to talk on the. No she LOVED And LOVED to talk on the phine. I swear there was a floral arangement fromVerizon at the wake. LOL She also had a lot in common with Frank Sinatra. He did it My way and so did Kathy! She also loved to shop. She gave new meaning to the word shop; not to say she spent a lot because she sometimes didnt spend anything. At the craft shows she went around the booth once,twice and sometimes a third time. She really loved to shop. So when her daughter told us that Kathy and her granddaughter spent her last day shopping, and she was so sick she should have been admitted. But I knew she did the right thing because if i had to choose between dying in a hospital bed or shopping with your grandaughter, I know she made the right choice. Love you always Kath.